Display Options and Settings

The settings for CryptoTicr are first dependent on the selected display mode selected using the tabs at the top of the Device Settings page. Choose either the One Coin, Two Coin, or Multiple Coins by clicking or tapping on that appriate tab. Once the display mode is chosen, the settings available will change accordingly. In One Coin mode, you can configure the coin selection, update interval, and display format for a single cryptocurrency. In Two Coin mode, you can choose two cryptocurrencies, set the update interval, and decide how their data is presented. In Multiple Coin mode, which can display one or two coins at a time, you can select multiple cryptocurrencies, set rotation and update intervals, and determine the display sequence and format. This tabbed organization ensures that only relevant settings are shown based on the selected display mode.

One Coin Mode

Presents information for a single cryptocurrency. Price information dynamically updates in real-time. The chart cycles through user selectable time frames of 24 Hours, 48 Hours, 30 Days, and 60 Days. Click for details.


Two Coins Mode

Presents real-time dynamically updating price data for two different coins at once, with one coin's information in the upper section and the other's in the lower. Click for details.


Multiple Coins Mode

Presents real-time dynamically updating price data for up to ten coins by cycling through a list of coins that you select from within the Multiple Coins tab in the Device Settings. It offers two Display Types: “One Coin at a time” shows data for a single cryptocurrency and includes a selectable period chart while “Two Coins at a time” displays data for two coins at once minus the chart. Click for details.

Multiple Coins Mode

One Coin at a Time


Multiple Coins Mode

Two Coins at a Time
