Multiple Coins Mode
Display Options
When “One Coin at a time” is selected, CryptoTirc will display data for a single cryptocurrency at a time in three areas: Title, Price, and Chart. If “Two Coins at a time” is selected it displays just the Title and Price for two coins simultaneously. Use the “Display each screen for:” option to select how long each screen of data pauses before cycling to the next coin or set of two coins. You can customize which elements are shown within these areas from the Device Settings page as shown below.
Select a Display Type:
Title Area
A coin in CryptoTicr can be recognized through its icon*, name, or ticker symbol displayed in the Title Area of the screen. By default, CryptoTicr shows the coin’s icon and name in the Title Area, but you have the flexibility to choose from various combinations of icon, name, and ticker symbol as seen in the example images below.
To display the position of the coin in the list of entered coins, simply check the “List Position” checkbox in the Device Settings page. You can preview the appearance of this display option using the checkbox below.
Select a Display Type:
- \Icon + Name
- List Position
Title Area = Icon + Symbol
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