Multiple Coins Mode

In Multiple Coin Mode, you can cycle through a list of up to ten coins that you select.  It offers two Display Types: “One Coin at a time” shows data for a single cryptocurrency and includes a selectable period chart while “Two Coins at a time” displays data for two coins at once minus the chart. Buttons are provided automatically enter batches of the most popular coins (by market cap) into the list.
  • One Coin at a time
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

One Coin at a Time

  • Two Coins at a time
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Two Coins at a Time

Display Options

When “One Coin at a time” is selected, CryptoTirc will display data for a single cryptocurrency at a time in three areas: Title, Price, and Chart. If “Two Coins at a time” is selected it displays just the Title and Price for two coins simultaneously.  Use the “Display each screen for:” option to select how long each screen of data pauses before cycling to the next coin or set of two coins. You can customize which elements are shown within these areas from the Device Settings page as shown below.

Select a Display Type:

multiple coin mode ct and device settings one coin at a time short

One Coin at a Time

multiple coin mode ct and device settings two coins at a time short

Two Coins at a Time

Title Area

A coin in CryptoTicr can be recognized through its icon*, name, or ticker symbol displayed in the Title Area of the screen. By default, CryptoTicr shows the coin’s icon and name in the Title Area, but you have the flexibility to choose from various combinations of icon, name, and ticker symbol as seen in the example images below.

To display the position of the coin in the list of entered coins, simply check the “List Position” checkbox in the Device Settings page. You can preview the appearance of this display option using the checkbox below.

Select a Display Type:

  • \Icon + Name
  • VList Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

  • \Icon + Symbol
  • VList Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

  • \Symbol + Name
  • VList Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Symbol + Name

  • \Name only
  • VList Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Name only

  • \Symbol only
  • VList Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Ticker Symbol only

  • \Icon + Name
  • List Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

Folder Gallery Error: No picture available inside wp-content/ct/1_uu_24_111111.

  • \Icon + Symbol
  • List Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

  • \Symbol + Name
  • List Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Symbol + Name

  • \Name only
  • List Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Name only

  • \Symbol only
  • List Position
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Title Area = Ticker Symbol only

  • \Icon + Name
  • VList Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

  • \Icon + Symbol
  • VList Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

  • \Symbol + Name
  • VList Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Symbol + Name

  • \Name only
  • VList Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Name only

  • \Symbol only
  • VList Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Ticker Symbol only

  • \Icon + Name
  • List Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

  • \Icon + Symbol
  • List Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Icon + Symbol

  • \Symbol + Name
  • List Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Symbol + Name

  • \Name only
  • List Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Name only

  • \Symbol only
  • List Position
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Title Area = Ticker Symbol only

* Icons available for 200± popular coins; others show ticker symbol in place of icon.

Availale Icons

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/ct/bmp.

Price Area

By default, CryptoTicrs present the 24-hour rolling trading volume and the 24-hour percent price change just below the price. You can choose to include or exclude both volume and percent change independently by checking or unchecking the respective Price Area checkboxes in the device settings page. Below, you’ll find sample screens for each of these configuration settings.

Select a Display Type:

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Price Area: 24h Volume = ON, 24h % Price Change = ON

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Price Area: 24h Volume = ON, 24h % Price Change = OFF

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Price Area: 24h Volume = OFF, 24h % Price Change = ON

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Price Area: 24h Volume = OFF, 24h % Price Change = OFF

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Price Area: 24h Volume = ON, 24h % Price Change = ON

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Price Area: 24h Volume = ON, 24h % Price Change = OFF

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Price Area: 24h Volume = OFF, 24h % Price Change = ON

  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Price Area: 24h Volume = OFF, 24h % Price Change = OFF

Chart Area

You can configure CryptoTicr to display historical price charts for various timeframes, including 24 Hours, 48 Hours, 30 Days, and 60 Days. When you select multiple periods for display, the screen will  transition to the next enabled period based on the chosen interval of 5, 10, 30 or 60 seconds.

Select a Chart Period:

  • !24h price
  • !chart period price
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>.

Value is Up over 24 Hours and Up over the Chart Period.

  • "24h price
  • "chart period price
Value is <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>24 Hours</span>.

Value is Down over 24 Hours and Down over the Chart Period.

  • !24h price
  • !chart period price
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>48  Hours</span>.

Value is Up over 24 Hours and Up over the Chart Period.

  • "24h price
  • !chart period price
Value is <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>48  Hours</span>.

Value is Down over 24 Hours and Up over the Chart Period.

  • !24h price
  • "chart period price
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>48  Hours</span>.

Value is Up over 24 Hours and Down over the Chart Period.

  • "24h price
  • "chart period price
Value is <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>48  Hours</span>.

Value is Down over 24 Hours and Down over the Chart Period.

  • !24h price
  • !chart period price
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Value is Up over 24 Hours and Up over the Chart Period.

  • "24h price
  • !chart period price
Value is <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Value is Down over 24 Hours and Up over the Chart Period.

  • !24h price
  • "chart period price
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>30  Days</span>.

Value is Up over 24 Hours and Down over the Chart Period.

  • "24h price
  • "chart period price
Value is <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>30  Days</span>.

Value is Down over 24 Hours and Down over the Chart Period.

  • !24h price
  • !chart period price
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>60  Days</span>.

Value is Up over 24 Hours and Up over the Chart Period.

  • "24h price
  • !chart period price
Value is <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>60  Days</span>.

Value is Down over 24 Hours and Up over the Chart Period.

  • !24h price
  • "chart period price
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>60  Days</span>.

Value is Up over 24 Hours and Down over the Chart Period.

  • "24h price
  • "chart period price
Value is <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='d'>Down</span> over <span class='d'>60  Days</span>.

Value is Down over 24 Hours and Down over the Chart Period.

Chart Area Display Options

By default, CryptoTicr includes ten vertical period time divider lines and two dashed horizontal price lines within the chart. The horizontal dashed purple line marks the period’s first (opening) price, while the gold one indicates its last (closing) price. You can toggle these lines individually by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkboxes in the ‘Include within chart’ section within the Chart Area of the device settings page. The example images below illustrate the use of these settings.

  • Time Divider Lines
  • First/Last Price Lines
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Chart Area: Time Divider Lines = ON, First/Last Price Lines = ON

  • Time Divider Lines
  • First/Last Price Lines
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Chart Area: Time Divider Lines = ON, First/Last Price Lines = OFF

  • Time Divider Lines
  • First/Last Price Lines
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Chart Area: Time Divider Lines = OFF, First/Last Price Lines = ON

  • Time Divider Lines
  • First/Last Price Lines
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Chart Area: Time Divider Lines = OFF, First/Last Price Lines = OFF

Multiple Coin Mode Summary

While CryptoTicr’s default settings will suit many users, the option to personalize the screen output is essential for certain traders. The images below demonstrate the spectrum of display possibilities, from the most detailed (default) settings to the most streamlined.

Select a Display Type:

Default Output Settings

  • \Icon + Symbol
  • List Position
  • 24h Volume
  • First/Last Price Lines
  • Time Divider Lines
  • First/Last Price Lines
Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Default Output Settings

Value is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span> and <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>30  Days</span>.

Streamlined Output Settings

Minimal Output Settings

  • [Icon + Symbol
  • List Posistion
  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change
  • Time Divider Lines
  • First/Last Price Lines

Default Output Settings

  • \Icon + Symbol
  • List Position
  • 24h Volume
  • First/Last Price Lines
Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Default Output Settings

Coin 1 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over <span class='u'>24 Hours</span>. Coin 2 is <span class='u'>Up</span> over 24 Hours.

Minimal Output Settings

Minimal Output Settings

  • [Icon + Symbol
  • List Posistion
  • 24h Volume
  • 24h % Price Change