Frequently Asked Questions

Are there fees to use it?


There are no fees, subscriptions, or accounts of any nature necessary to use this device.

Access to the online data is included in the price.

Where does it get it's data?

CryptoTicr devices and the website are powered by CoinGecko, the world’s largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator with 10+ million active users. For more info, see

Will it slow down my Wi-Fi network?


Although the CryptoTicr retrieves data from our internet server in New York at frequent intervals ranging from five to sixty seconds (settings you select) the amount of data transfered for a coin price update is minimal. There will be no noticeable impact on your Wi-Fi or broadband internet network speed when using your CryptoTicr.

Can I link to my crypto wallet?


You do not need, nor can you use any type of accounts, secret codes or wallets.

CryptoTicr firmware doesn’t know what they are, or who you are for that matter. There are no accounts stored or accessed by CryptoTicr other than you Wi-Fi network name and it’s password that it needs to connect to the internet over your Wi-Fi. These are stored securly encrypted on the device.

CryptoTicr sole duty is to displays publicly available real-time cryptocurrencty related information provided by CoinGecko, but in a realy cool way. That’s it.

Does it have a battery?


Unlike a mobile phone that turns it’s display off and reduces other power consumption when not actively in use, CryptoTicr is designed to remain always always on, always active, 24x7x365, continuously updating it’s bright, crips screen with the latest information at all times. This intended use is not compatible with battery operation.

CryptoTIcr draws a small amount of power (0.2A @ 5VDC = 1 Watt) from any standard USB port. It comes with a AC to USB power adapter just in case you don’t have an existing USB port nearby.

If you want to operate a CryptoTicr from a location that has Wi-Fi coverage, but no USB ports or electrical outlets, then an inexpensive USB power bank similar to this one (rated for 50 hrs continuous run time @ 0.2A) may be a workable solution for you. You can use this battery life calculator to determine running hours between charges.

Can it spy on me?


CryptoTicrs are not equipped with  a microphone or camera, making it physically impossible to capture audio or video of any kind.

The device is shipped directly from our location in Ohio to you, or initially to Amazon and subsequently to you, depending on your order’s origin. It does not pass through any other country which might raise concerns, nor does it go through resellers. We only sell our products directly to the end user.

Can it stay on all the time.


Day and night.

You can turn it off if you want to, but there is no need. Its designed to run 24/7 x 365 on a  a single watt of power.

Where was it made?

Firmware: USA, Germany
Hardware: China

CryptoTicr is a product based on the Espressif ESP8266 microcontroller and the Arduino open-source ecosystem.

The firmware is built upon the extensive library of the Arduino ecosystem’s contributed source code along with a large amount of open-source application-level code contributed to the open-source community..

The open-source codebase underwent substantial modification and refinement at CryptoTicr LLC involving over a thousand hours of dedicated work from professional software developer Lee Omerza who resides in Hudson, OH USA.

The microcontroller and plastic parts are made in China.

Final assembly, flashing, testing and technical support are all done out of Hudson, Ohio.

Does it come with a Warranty?


Two year parts and labor.

What’s needed to make it work?

In a nutshell, you’ll need:

  • A Wi-Fi network connection (2.4GHz).
  • A Wi-Fi capable smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer to set it up.
  • A USB Type C cable (included) and a USB power source. It’s not necessary to use the AC to USB power adapter (included) if you have any available USB port nearby.

See: Instructions for a detailed explanation of what is necessary.